Zaker Crop Life Ltd.

Being a companion company for farmers by providing high quality pesticides; Zaker Crop Life Ltd. was looking for packaging design that properly reflect their core vision of trust and assistance.

Client: Dorte Mandrup Architects
Services: Design, Art Direction, User Experience, Animation


Being a companion company for farmers by providing high quality pesticides; Zaker Crop Life Ltd. was looking for packaging design that properly reflect their core vision of trust and assistance.

Being a companion company for farmers by providing high quality pesticides; Zaker Crop Life Ltd. was looking for packaging design that properly reflect their core vision of trust and assistance..


Innovation while respecting regulatory restriction

Even though there are not much room for innovation in packaging concept due to regulatory measures, Babooi has developed packaging design in a manner which provides the appropriate brand appeal for Zaker Crop Life ltd..


Jumpstart with immense positive feedback

Balanced, Modern packaging design of Zaker Crop Life has received appreciation from customers, stakeholders and critics. Stepping up with such modern branding appearance has made an inspiration for pesticide industry.

“Very few agencies understand mindset of traditional customers. Glad that Babooi lived up to own expectations``